Shamokin Office
300 E. Independence St.
Shamokin, Pa 17872
570-648-8017, 833-933-3680 (toll-free)
FAX: 570-648-8018
Open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Herndon Satellite Location
Herndon Borough Building
278 N. Main St.
Herndon, PA 17830
Office Hours: By appointment only. Please call the Hegins office (570-653-2018) or the Shamokin office (570-648-8017).
Dalmatia Satellite Location
Lower Mahanoy Township Municipal Authority
132 River Road
Dalmatia, PA 17017
Office Hours: By appointment only. Please call the Hegins office (570-653-2018) or the Shamokin office (570-648-8017).